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Retreat for Newly elected LG Council Members

A 3 day retreat of the new Local Government Council Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Secretaries of Kaduna State has been declared upon by her Excellency, the Acting Governor of Kaduna State, Hajia Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe at Wuse ii Abuja.
The retreat was organised by the Ministry for Local Government Affairs and supported by the Planning and Budget Commission Kaduna.
The objective of the retreat is to educate a Council’s Chairmen with technical knowledge of Local Government administration that would fast-track in providing projects and policies for betterment of people at the grass-root.
In his presentation, the Hon. Commissioner Ministry for Local Government Affairs, Shehu Usman Muhammad Ph.D, had mentioned some areas where Local Government Council Chairmen would pay much attention for ensuring changes to the life of citizen at the Local Level, in which collectively the Council Chairmen and other stakeholders agreed to it. The areas are
1. Improving Security 2. Provision of portable water 3. Improved access to quality education 4. Feeder Roads 5. Adherence to state policies 6. Empowerment 7. Reducing infant Mortality 8. Improving IGR